I never did get that to work?

There are standard OBDII PIDs and then manufacturer enhanced PIDS.

ScanXL Pro with the GM enhanced PIDS is sweet so far. It's simalar to EFI Live Scan and has a feel of TunerPro. More data then you could dream of and specilty PIDS built in for track times, torque, MPG etc... graphs, maps and dashboards, really has a wow factor for joe smoe, does read and clear codes, watch data or record and all data needed for tuning as well! So far it has more then what is needed to use with TunerCat OBDII.

It's supposed to work with the Innovate OT-2 wireless but as of now no luck. If you just want data with bells and whistles to iPhone it's got a sweet app but I've never tried it and don't know if the app will work on other phones.

In the end if you want to do anything with data you'll need EFI Live or TunerCat OBDII with cables to re-flash PCM. EFI Live has the Scan with it so no need for ScanXL. TunerCat OBDII can still be bought with a RoadRunner, which is back ordered and I'm still waiting...

EDIT: EagleMark on kids laptop again...