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Thread: 89 TBI truck with B Body LT1 camshaft

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    89 TBI truck with B Body LT1 camshaft

    Greetings, I am looking for direction for the Main and Extended SA tables for the above setup. The engine is running well after doing a VE learn with EBL Flash using EBL .40XDF. I started with a base .bin for a 1990 TBI 5 speed and made a few tweaks for my personal preference (like idle speed, etc.). The engine is basically stock with the exception of the roller setup and dual exhaust.
    Basically I am looking for a spark table to get the most out of the cam with low knock counts and 89 octane fuel. I do realize the limitations of the heads, etc. The truck pulls strong right now up to 4000 rpm which is all the higher I care to go.
    If anyone has modified SA tables that they have had success with, I would appreciate the help.

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    DFW, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by RooThunder View Post
    Greetings, I am looking for direction for the Main and Extended SA tables for the above setup. The engine is running well after doing a VE learn with EBL Flash using EBL .40XDF. I started with a base .bin for a 1990 TBI 5 speed and made a few tweaks for my personal preference (like idle speed, etc.). The engine is basically stock with the exception of the roller setup and dual exhaust.
    Basically I am looking for a spark table to get the most out of the cam with low knock counts and 89 octane fuel. I do realize the limitations of the heads, etc. The truck pulls strong right now up to 4000 rpm which is all the higher I care to go.
    If anyone has modified SA tables that they have had success with, I would appreciate the help.

    Thanks !
    Start with a Vortec truck timing table and tweak from there.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Link to Vortec Timing Tables:!

    dave w

  4. #4
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Perfect, I appreciate your patience and advice!!

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