Think I will try to change the way I am posting this info. This all is getting quite complicated, probably I should write up a pdf with all the explanations in one place.
For now, here are some details of the end of injection. Locations $141C, $141E, $143C, $143E set up the end of injection timing. The first pair $141C, $141E are programmed with a number from 1 to 6. This number represents the number of 90 degree delays inserted. The second pair $143C, $143E further delay the injection by 90/16 or about 5.625 degrees. For the second pair programming ranges from 00 to F0, the lower four bits are not used.
I will go on now to separate the pairs. I believe it likely that they apply to bank 0, bank 1, but I will find out. I also plan to find out if the lower nybble of the second pair is active in the TPU or not.
Last up is location $14D6. When this location is written with bit 14 set, it updates the TPU to use the parameter pairs described above. You will see it's use in the code like this
LDD $14D6 ;
STD $14D6 ;
Gradually I am discovering more and more of this part. Process is long and painstaking though.