Hello to all, first time poster here.
I am currently in the process of transplanting a tbi 350 from a 1990 cadillac brougham into a 1981 bonneville. I have all the wiring torn out from the cadillac including from the motor to dash. I have neatly ziptied all the wires that run from the engine bay to firewall plug to easily sort them.
The wiring diagram I am attempting to follow is from http://www.chevythunder.com/1228746_ecm_198992_tbi.htm
I'm trying to keep as much as needed on my harness including the emissions plugs, while also getting rid of the excess.
I have all the wiring from the interior still in a whole chunk on the floor and was curious as to whether I should try to save the firewall to interior plug or maybe if I should just cut the wiring for the 2 plugs that go directly to my computer than solder accordingly?
I was originally thinking saving the firewall plug was the definite way to go but now that I'm looking at the wires lay here I feel like that may be way more work than necessary.
Any opinions or tips are fully welcomed here! This is my first time attempting to go this far into a cars wiring, so please bare with me and some of my silly questions. Thanks for reading