Been chatting with Mark about this for a while now, figured I should pull the trigger and actually do it.
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Every ALDL cable sold nets Mark $5 to keep the forum at its current level of awesome.
For $45 shipped to anywhere the continental US, you'll receive a USB ALDL cable (based off of the Uber-Easy design i have posted about) in either of the two styles shown above. The switches on the side are used to connect/disconnect a 10K resistor needed for certain ECMs to stream data. A 4 foot USB cable is semi-permanantly attached, I say "semi" since it's replaceable should it wear out/get destroyed by removing the cover, pulling the old one out and slapping in a new one. I like easily replaceable wear items. If 4 feet isn't enough, USB extension cables do exist and I see no reason why they wouldn't work in this application.
If there is enough interest, I can look into creating a cable with the OBD2 end, or even making a single cable with both the 12 pin and 16 pin connectors to cover practically everything GM 1995 and earlier. The OBD2 only end would likely end up at the same price, but the 12 + 16 cable would probably cost a little more, maybe $60 shipped?
In any situation, please voice any concerns/questions/needs in this thread.