Good morning. I’m new to the ecu tuning thing I’m usually tuning a quadrajet . I have a 93 s10 with a 4.3 .
Good morning. I’m new to the ecu tuning thing I’m usually tuning a quadrajet . I have a 93 s10 with a 4.3 .
Thanks . The current project im working on is a 93 s10 with a 4.3 im looking to do engine modifications so i need to get into obd I tuning .
TunerPro RT is a good OBD1 Tuning Tool.
Gearhead-efi link for TunerPro RT files (.xdf, .adx, & .bin), 1993 S10 4.3 TBI using the 16168625 PCM ($E6) :
Yeah that’s the pcm/ecu i have . It may be a sensitive subject but , i was looking into the dynamic efi for the ease of plugging into a usb port as opposed to the OBD1 . Then i read of the passing of bob ( my condolences) . is there another option ? I have a 4L60e and dont want to have to run multiple ecu’s .
Thanks for the push in the right direction . I noticed that the bins had gear ratios for all but the s10 does that make a difference? I also noticed that some had California and some didn’t , are those with emissions programs ? offers a real time emulator for the 16168625 PCM ( ) that provides “Flash” tuning like Dynamic EFI. The emulator does not do “VE Learns” like Dynamic EFI.
What is ve learns ? Does it do trans control ?
Below is a picture of my Ostrich 2.0 (emulator) setup.
The Ostrich 2.0 (emulator) replaces the chip. The chip has transmission programming parameters like the shift points. The chip has engine parameters for controlling the fuel injectors and spark advance.
Ostrich 2.0 with G1 Adapter.jpg
I truly appreciate your time and patience. I am sure you’ve answered all the questions I’m asking a million times . Went to moates website lots of info . I picked up another 16168625 from Oreillys . Do i need to send it out to have anything installed for the ostrich or other things for down the road . The current pcm/ecu works fine im just trouble shooting a starting issue .
There are many details about using an Emulator like the Ostrich 2.0 pictured above. For some, the technical details about using an Ostrich 2.0 are overwhelming, or not within their wheelhouse of technical skills. The computer does not need to be sent out to use an Ostrich. If you look closely at the Ostrich picture posted above, the following parts are "plug-n-play", Memcal, Adapter Board, and Ostrich 2.0 emulator ribbon cable. Obviously, the adapter board and Ostrich 2.0 are aftermarket parts, and the aftermarket parts suppliers can provide the technical details on how to use their aftermarket parts. GM has technical documentation on how to remove and replace the Memcal Chip.
Seems extremely unlikely an Ostrich 2.0 will fix a starting problem.
Possibly a computer might cause a starting issue, but typically when the computer goes bad the vehicle won't start because the injector drivers inside the computer have failed. Seems likely a hard starting might be due to not enough fuel being "SPRAYED" from the injectors when cranking the engine with the starter.
The starting issue is most likly fuel related . I think it’s in the throttle body ( pressure regulator or injectors ) . If it’s injectors i want to upgrade to 5.0/5.7 unites . I dont have any codes on my obd1 scanner . if im reading the technical information / instructions on the moates site on the ostrich correctly the memcal is the chip in my current computer . Can i get another memcal , does it work like that ?
Details about chips and broadcast codes (BCC). Basically you will need the same BCC Memcal. The Memcal has three functions, the chip, the limp home mode, and knock sensor filter.
Changing to a different injector size is not a good plan, unless you have tuning skills which includes, but not limited to, data logging and chip reprogramming.
I am looking to do a performance build on a 4.3 out of a 97 truck . The engine design between between 93 and 97 is extreme . The heads and aftermarket 4 barrel intake ( with TBI adapter ) will flow so much better . These are the reasons i am looking into data logging and tuning .