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Thread: Dizzy to DIS swap

  1. #1
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Jan 2015

    Dizzy to DIS swap

    As a result of doing a T5 to 700R4 swap I am also swapping ECMs (6397 ODB 1.5 to 7730) in order to allow the ECM to control the TCC on the 700R4. The new transmission is coupled to a 3.4L V6 removed from a 94 Firebird. I plan on using AZTY bin (92 Fbody 3.1 V6 and 700R4) with $88. I need to change the parameters (using Tuner Pro) in the bin to allow me to run DIS as opposed to a Dizzy. The wiring changes between ECM and ICM to do this is straight forward but the parameter values changes required in the bin are not. I have done some reading on this and it looks like I only need to change 3 parameters values in the bin (initial spark, max advance relative to TDC, max retard relative to TDC). Can I just use the values from the 6397 bin and input them in the 7730 bin?
    The other changes I need to do are
    -re-wire injectors for batch fire
    -update AZTY bin with engine displacement and injector size.
    -delete vats
    I am aware that I will not require the cam and 24X sensors.
    This engine with minor mods (shorty headers and 260H cam) has approx. 5000 miles since re-build and it ran very good with the 6397 ECM. Hopefully the above changes will get this engine started and allow me to tune VE and SA tables.
    Replies welcomed if I have missed any other required changes.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Possibly definition S-AUJP and is an option.

    Possibly the spark parameter settings show below will be helpful for DIS too.

    Spark Reference Parameters.gif
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  3. #3
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Jan 2015

    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    OK thanks Dave. I will checkout the Fiero BIN and the other 2 links.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Quote Originally Posted by RayMGB View Post
    OK thanks Dave. I will checkout the Fiero BIN and the other 2 links.
    After much struggle, the S_AUJP DIS system was replaced with the Dynamic EFI P4 system. Unfortunately, the Dynamic EFI P4 system has been discontinued.

  5. #5
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    I think that the values of the 3 parameters mentioned above are based on the position of the 3X crank sensor with respect to TDC. That part has not changed so I think I may be ok with using the 6397 values. I will paste the BIN values below. Not sure how it will look after I select post.

    parameters ATYZ Bin(dizzy) 3.4L 6397 Bin(DIS)
    -initial spark (spark reference angle) (9.88*) (60.35*)
    -max advance relative to TDC (70.24*) (60.35*)
    -max retard relative to TDC (-.35*) (-29.65*)
    - max retard relative to REF (-10.24*) (not sure about these)
    -max advance relative to REF (60.35*) (not sure about these)

  6. #6
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    $A1 is also used for some V6 DIS applications:

  7. #7
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Jan 2015

    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Thanks Dave for the link above. A lot of good info. if using the $A1 mask. I compared a couple of $A1 BINs (V6 3.1 with DIS) spark parameters values to the 3.4 V6 BIN with DIS and there are some slight differences in parameter values, most likely due to the differences in the engine configuration. I think I am stuck with using the AZTY BIN (92 Fbody 3.1L) because it will recognize the 700R4. $A1 BINs appear to be used with a FWD transmissions. I will update the AZTY BIN with the values I have from the 3.4L DIS BIN values. My engine/transmission configuration is identical to a 93 Fbody but the ECM used for that vehicle does not have an XDF available.
    Thanks for your help

  8. #8
    Fuel Injected! woody80z28's Avatar
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    700R4 was non-electronic, just like the FWD 3spd autos used with the $A1 I wouldn't think it would matter. $A1 is well supported, I spent a lot of time using it for my 3400 swap Beretta.
    80 Camaro Z28 - 550hp AFR 383 / T56 6spd (Holley HP EFI)
    91 Beretta "SS" - 260hp 3400 MPFI / HM282 5spd (7730/$A1) sold! for crazy money...but I miss it
    94 Silverado Z71 - 300hp Vortec 357 TBI / NV4500 5spd (7427/$0D) gone but not forgotten
    96 Beretta "T56" - 4.8 LS RWD swap / 6spd (411/2156)
    01 Silverado 2500HD - stock Vortec 8.1 / ZF6 6spd (411/8322)
    00-03 Blazers "Z69" - 4.3 / 5spds (8322/2088/9405)

  9. #9
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Quote Originally Posted by woody80z28 View Post
    700R4 was non-electronic, just like the FWD 3spd autos used with the $A1 I wouldn't think it would matter. $A1 is well supported, I spent a lot of time using it for my 3400 swap Beretta.
    What BIN did you use?

  10. #10
    Fuel Injected!
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    Jan 2024

    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Just out of curiosity, why swap the ecu? I'm still pretty new to this, but I believe the '93 Camaro 3.4L bin should work, since that was the only year camaro that came with a 4L60 NON-E version and would work with that ECU?

    EDIT: Looking at the '93 vs '94 3.4L auto bins, there's definitely no PWM data in the '93 bin for TCC. There is data in some lockup places, though. Again, totally new to this and just looking at raw TCC stuff in the bin.

    DOUBLE EDIT: I missed where you wanted to tune the VE and SA tables. My bad.
    Last edited by tonimus; 2 Weeks Ago at 07:19 PM.

  11. #11
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Quote Originally Posted by tonimus View Post
    Just out of curiosity, why swap the ecu? I'm still pretty new to this, but I believe the '93 Camaro 3.4L bin should work, since that was the only year camaro that came with a 4L60 NON-E version and would work with that ECU?
    I would like to use the 93 BIN and the 1993 F body ECM #16172693 which I have but there is no XDF available to allow tuning of this ECM. The P66 V6 XDF used with the 6397 (94,95 F body) will not work on the 2693. I am looking at the link in post #6 to try and locate a BIN that I can use with the 7730, $A1, DIS and 4L60 transmission.

  12. #12
    Fuel Injected!
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    I've got an extra 16196397 if you want and if it'll make your life easier. The '93 F-Body auto bin for P66 ECUs should work. Hell, I could even throw the '93 F-body auto bin in it for you.

  13. #13
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Quote Originally Posted by tonimus View Post
    I've got an extra 16196397 if you want and if it'll make your life easier. The '93 F-Body auto bin for P66 ECUs should work. Hell, I could even throw the '93 F-body auto bin in it for you.
    Thanks for the offer. I have a few spare 6397 ECMs and one 2693 ECM (93 F body) which I have saved a copy of the BIN. I have not tried to load the 2693 BIN into the 6397 ECM as I didn't think that would work. Maybe I will try that tonight.

  14. #14
    Fuel Injected!
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    Jan 2024

    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Go for it. I'm surprised the P66 XDF doesn't work for the 16172693 bin. Would you mind posting that bin so I can take a gander?

  15. #15
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Jan 2015

    Re: Dizzy to DIS swap

    Quote Originally Posted by tonimus View Post
    Go for it. I'm surprised the P66 XDF doesn't work for the 16172693 bin. Would you mind posting that bin so I can take a gander?
    check out this post in regards to the P66 V6 XDF.

    see attachment for the 93 BIN
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