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Thread: 83' 1 ton dually with a 7.4 out of a 93'

  1. #1
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    83' 1 ton dually with a 7.4 out of a 93'

    So my 6.2 ate an intake valve and stuffed it back up the intake port sideways and the result was coolant bring blown own the tailpipes in a glorious cloud of steam. Anyways I pulled a 454 out of a 93 3/4 ton with a screwed up 4l80 I have slapped a flywheel on it and a clutch. Im putting an sm465 on it. Ordered exhaust headers and a 7427 ecm, it originally had 7060, after reading for a while I decided the 7427 was the better choice. In the process of reconfiguring the harness. Now I have a feeling that I'm gonna run into tuning problems I burned a rom with BHDC I think, (off the top of my head) I'd like to confirm what needs to be done to swap from the 4l80 to sm465 and I can't find a definitive answer on the vss problem that's been touched on. Can I get around having a vss at all?

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected!
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    Feb 2013
    DFW, TX

    Re: 83' 1 ton dually with a 7.4 out of a 93'

    Quote Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    So my 6.2 ate an intake valve and stuffed it back up the intake port sideways and the result was coolant bring blown own the tailpipes in a glorious cloud of steam. Anyways I pulled a 454 out of a 93 3/4 ton with a screwed up 4l80 I have slapped a flywheel on it and a clutch. Im putting an sm465 on it. Ordered exhaust headers and a 7427 ecm, it originally had 7060, after reading for a while I decided the 7427 was the better choice. In the process of reconfiguring the harness. Now I have a feeling that I'm gonna run into tuning problems I burned a rom with BHDC I think, (off the top of my head) I'd like to confirm what needs to be done to swap from the 4l80 to sm465 and I can't find a definitive answer on the vss problem that's been touched on. Can I get around having a vss at all?
    If your 83 had cruise control, it already has a 2K pulse per mile optical VSS behind the speedometer. The VSS buffer is green, has 3 wires, power, ground and 2k PPM signal. You need a manual transmission 454 file to start with, wire up the VSS, and then it should work fairly well. You will likely need to change the NV ratios for the SM465s gear ratios to get the idle routines to behave well.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Re: 83' 1 ton dually with a 7.4 out of a 93'

    I think it's a good plan to use a VSS with the 16197427.

    The 16197427 2K pulse wired to Pin F13.

    16197427 VSS.jpg
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Carb and Points!
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    Dec 2024

    Re: 83' 1 ton dually with a 7.4 out of a 93'

    Quote Originally Posted by Fast355 View Post
    If your 83 had cruise control, it already has a 2K pulse per mile optical VSS behind the speedometer. The VSS buffer is green, has 3 wires, power, ground and 2k PPM signal. You need a manual transmission 454 file to start with, wire up the VSS, and then it should work fairly well. You will likely need to change the NV ratios for the SM465s gear ratios to get the idle routines to behave well.
    The factory speedo does not work its cable driven, either the drive or driven gear is worn out as I have put the cable in a drill chuck at the trans and verified the gauge itself works, I don't have another set and they're a bit spendy for a plastic gear. I was gonna look at em once I got the 6.2 pulled out rather than laying on the ground, I'm working under a temporary canopy with tarps for walls and it's been cold and snowy here lately. I have a lot of experience in fabrication and I can either try to repair or maybe re-make the gears. They're small and plastic easy enough to work with. Or I can fabricate a setup to use Amy of the vast assortment of hall effect or variable reluctance type sensors with a corresponding tone ring. I eventually want to change out the dash for something a little more modern anyways. I'm not glued to the factory equipment. And I doubt this would have a sensor stock it's diesel and has no ecu of any kind it's all mechanical fuel injection and manual transmission.

    Edit: cruise control was not installed nor was AC from the factory but I plan on retrofitting the ac and I have a standalone cruise servo from a 2000 ford ranger that only needs a speed signal and three switches to control it the module is self contained inside the servo and does not need to be integrated with the pcm. So this is another valid reason to have a speed sensor and I don't think It cares what pulse/rev ratio it is as it basically looks at the frequency and when you hit set it just tries to maintain it don't think it's much more complex than an rc car servo lol.
    Last edited by Snow; 4 Weeks Ago at 03:51 AM. Reason: Additional info last minute

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