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Thread: 1228746 with TBI 5.7

  1. #16
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    Re: 1228746 with TBI 5.7

    Again, a newbie here. What would be the recommended approach in being able to download my ATCR bin, review it against data logs and be able to make changes to the 1228746? Not looking to make this a race car but wanting to learn how and make things 'better'.

    Thanks again all for the support.

    I do plan to take it out on a long voyage in the next week or so as the temperatures in Florida are "cold" at the moment.


  2. #17
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: 1228746 with TBI 5.7

    Data logs show information on how the engine is running like rich / lean and spark advance.

    The chip is a program telling the computer on how much fuel to supply the engine and how much Spark Advance based on: engine temperature, engine RPM, engine load, and throttle position %.

    Analyze the data log to figure out when the engine is running lean or rich and reprogram the chip to correct rich or lean running condition.

    It’s basically the same as changing jets in a carburetor and changing the vacuum advance / weights and springs in a HEI distributor. Add or subtract fuel to the fuel table (like changing jets) then add or subtract spark advance to the spark table (like installing an adjustable vacuum advance).

    Obviously; chip programming skills and chip programming equipment will be required.

  3. #18
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Dec 2024

    Re: 1228746 with TBI 5.7

    Here are my latest runs.

    A couple things that I've noticed:

    1. MAT seems to be low (less than 86ºF). I checked the air cleaner temperature sensor and it seems weak. Its not holding the THERMAC closed during cold start; instead it hovers between partially open. All the tubing and connectors are nice and pliable and tight. New A/C Delco's go for $100. Does anyone know where I can get a good one for less?

    2. BLM seems to be high above idle. I've never tested fuel pressure but drivability and throttle response seem good.

    Before suggesting a re-tune is there anything mechanically I should check first?

    Thanks all for looking and your support,


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