I am new here, but I am going to be documenting what I am doing and learning.

I all set up with software up to logging, and histogram. pcm logger has been giving me a hard time just found that universal patcher can log. So I am checking that out.

So the tuning all started when I swapped to 6.0 cathedral port truck intake, with adapter plate and amazon 92mm TB
not best scenario but it was the right price. FREE99

Started with a crazy squealing from intake, so I looked into setting up the TB.
I started by cranking the plate open until and resetting until I realized I wasnt doing it right.
Round and Round the internet goes, I finally understand IAC counts and setting the TB, maybe

I drilled a 1/16th hole, since the screw needed so much adjustment, and then set 2degree. That ended up being too much, the idle would hang surge and stayed above 1000. ALSO IAC count was below 30.

I figure the plate was too open and couldnt adjust enough to lower idle?????
I unplugged the TB sensor cranked up since its still warm, and I closed the blade until idle lowered. Computer died so its back inside to charge and do research. I am gonna log iac count and check idle again after a beer run

I have left all VE table alone, I am hoping MAF tune this pcm using the following video. I have gotten the same OS and XDF used below.
MAF tuning with TunerPro Universal Patcher Megalogviewer HD and PCM Logger For Gen 3 LS

Any suggestions or pointers are appreciated