View Full Version : TunerPro Tuning Talk

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  1. TunerPro Version 5 Tips thread
  2. TPS% value 1227747 ADX
  3. Enable data Tracing in TunerPro How To!
  4. Building a LT1 $EE ADS file from ALDL DS file?
  5. ALDL EFI Abbreviations
  6. TurnerPro logging -- How do I do that?
  7. Making Monitors in TunerPro V5 RT
  8. Micro-mini startup Guide for Beginners
  9. Documentation Posse
  10. TunerPro Mode 10 – Clear Malfunction Error Codes
  11. Making History Tables in TunerPro
  12. Opening New TunerPro Instance BUG?
  13. $88 adx
  14. Data Jump Glitch in V5?
  15. TunerPro starter Tutorial! New users this is a must read! :-)
  16. TunerPro Rt used as a scan tool?
  17. LT1 $EE adx questions?
  18. oil level sesor Code 52
  19. TunerPro XDF and ADX lookup Project
  20. Math Equation help for MPG average History table
  21. Add new items to datalogdash?
  22. Options for data type and stock units?
  23. TunerPro ADX and XDF lookup! Find your files here!
  24. Jumpy Signals
  25. Histogram viewing of xls files?
  26. EFI Dictionary
  27. 2E tach ?
  28. Importing ADS into TunerPro V5 and saving as ADX
  29. USB Cable won't connect to TunerPro for data Aqcusition.
  30. Mode 8 Silence
  31. rev limiter launch control
  32. Hacking the DataStream
  33. Hacking and Hex?
  34. Accurate Trip MPG Calculation
  35. Importing Data Dash Data......
  36. Screen shot of data dash
  37. Help adj some bins for nitrous
  38. TunerPro Connection issue 7747 $42
  39. RPM's with a/c
  40. Uber-easy DIY USB ALDL Cable
  41. Data acquisition set up for Tuner Pro
  42. lt1 tuning help?
  43. Data logging questions?
  44. Datastream data items
  45. Adjusting BLM
  46. help me obd 1 your my only hope
  47. AutoProm AD channels
  48. having data trace issues
  49. DFCO question
  50. Knock count... What am I doing wrong?
  51. tunerpro and VEmaster not compatible?
  52. what am i doing wrong?
  53. AutoProm ADC Interface Channels Set up in TunerPro!
  54. Finished my tune....how do i put it on a chip?
  55. USB to Com Ports
  56. Tunerpro RT $4F connection problems
  57. closed loop Lterm BLM's 120 help
  58. $DA3 stock settings
  59. Using Tuner pro with vista and XP
  60. CC502 shift points recomended
  61. Using VE master
  62. help with tranny tuning for $EE
  63. Stuck in HEX
  64. why is my map sensor showing kpa (pressure) instead of vacuum?
  65. Tunerpro RPM vs MAP graph question
  66. Tuning out Knock Sensors to get rid of code 43 in my 95 LT1
  67. Check out my modified ADX dash
  68. flashing 94-95 lt1 .bin file on a 96-97 lt1 computer?
  69. Trouble datalogging with DIY ALDL cable
  70. OBD II/ I Y Cable connection issue?
  71. Help with using moates hdr1 memcal reader to read stock bin?
  72. Engine stalls when commiting changes in live tune
  73. TunerPro V5 update!
  74. $EE O2 table help
  75. ready for my first tune
  76. newbie needs help ..
  77. tuned 350 bin file
  78. Exporting Difference Tool listing
  79. "Item Not Defined"
  80. data logging trips ses
  81. Wideband Question
  82. Building / Adding to XDF... Categories, expressions, and not so obvious stuff
  83. Map reading volts with tuner pro
  84. 95 Corvette 16181333 ECM Fan control
  85. Datalog with EGR disabled
  86. Cant get Tunerpro RT to connect once engine starts
  87. lt1 hotcam tuning help?
  88. Tunerpro TPS reading
  89. newbie to tuning 95 lt1
  90. $42 questions
  91. can someone help me change this bin to run a manual
  92. Help! New to tunerpro.
  93. Help With SMOG – TUNERCAT
  94. Speed Density Log File Analyzer
  95. Patch Bin From S19 record
  96. Couple of AutoProm questions
  97. da connected but no data
  98. getting started with tunerpro and aldl cable for dummies.
  99. ecu wiring help
  100. eprom zeroed out
  101. Bosch 24lb EV6 injector offset values
  102. quick help tunerpro chip read function???
  103. More cool $OE .adx dashboard downloads.... please??
  104. Setting up WB in the ADX editor.
  105. TunerPro History Tables, Data Transfer?
  106. TunerPro Update 5.00.8040.00 to 5.00.8075.00
  107. Laptop freezing using TP
  108. TunerPro newbie having logging problems - erratic data
  109. Cable Installation to TunerPro RT
  110. Problem creatingformula for a new item to the .adx Values
  111. Support The Forum: Buy ALDL Cables!
  112. Tables won't update
  113. datalogging new chip
  114. New To the Tuning Game Need To Change My Speedo
  115. Open Loop tuning/New to tuner pro
  116. help obd1 your my only hope have strange readings on tuner??
  117. Adding bitmask to adx.
  118. 7060 $85 WBO2 ADX check?
  119. USB/ALDL cable
  120. USB cable to Tuner Pro interface
  121. another cable question
  122. new member, need big help
  123. Doesn't matter what I try, random knock counts upon communication connection.
  124. help! dont know where to start
  125. does tuner pro rt do trans info?
  126. DA Data errors
  127. hey im just trying to do the castle run in under 12 parsecs >>obd1 your my only hope
  128. TunerPro RT Update 5.00.8144.00 (General Release) (5/13/13)
  129. How to read a chips bin using a Burn2
  130. does tunerpro rt show show the low and high res. info being sent from opti???lt1
  131. help me obd1 your my only hope prob with tunercat????
  132. xdf files for DSM evo 1-3
  133. Help! Problems with TunerPro RT
  134. Flashing pcm with stock bin
  135. what do I start with on putting bin info on a new pcm lt1
  136. Disable the 9th injector
  137. Tuner pro RT
  138. 1227165 ECM in a V6 trouble with spark advance (logs attached)
  139. DFCO in 6e
  140. copypng tables
  141. VATS delete
  142. Sirrius32
  143. Dash & Data List Views issues
  144. having trouble connecting to pcm
  145. newbie problem
  146. 88 fiero not connecting to TPRT.
  147. DA Data Errors?
  148. Scanning 1996 OBD1.5
  149. Help please, can't seem to get speedo to work in adx dash.
  150. New cable , no workie ......
  151. Connecting to a 16149396 $DF
  152. ADX problem...Autoprom not scanning
  153. Custom monitor setup
  154. windows8
  155. AIR/SMOG eliminate $6E edit?
  156. Making a Custom Dash
  157. Yet Another Newb - TunerPro Doesn't See Cable
  158. TunerPro RT update Virus?
  159. Tunerpro not reading chips correctly
  160. Still getting to know tunerpro. 1992 lt1 First data log
  161. ADX files
  162. 87 corvette how do I get Tunner pro to recognize my vet
  163. OBD1 data stream
  164. 1227165_160.ads
  165. Mask/bin swapping on same ecm model
  166. ERROR: PROM I/O returned failure?
  167. $32B-165: Where Clear codes
  168. what do i need to burn chip?
  169. what to change in .BIN file once mods are added
  170. Difficulty reading stock chip?
  171. Data tracing works, but does not move out of the lowest Map column
  172. engine data cyl id?????
  173. Question on bin file values, or lack of them
  174. Mods done, some time spent researching but would like to have discussion.
  175. O2 sensor unplugged voltage readings are still being displayed
  176. open loop AFR tables 1227747
  177. Correcting the Spark Advance reading '747 $42
  178. what is the difference between .LT1 files and .BIN files
  179. async mode 1227747
  180. Tuning 1227747 VE tables in open loop with a wideband gauge
  182. TunerPro datalog "monitor" time zooming issues.
  183. AVT cable connection issues 64 bit
  184. Jason's catch-all TunerPro/tuning thread
  185. range rover td6 map edit
  186. Newbie here trying to learn how to datalog just to monitor.
  187. 1994 k1500 .bin and tables advice
  188. datatracing with tunerpro
  189. TunerPro RT V5 crash when editing a .ADX file
  190. Adding MPG to the$85/$D8 .ADX
  191. how to eliminate knock sensor in TunerPro?
  192. Help reading 27fs512 eprom
  193. Lambda error value help
  194. TP V5 says hardware not found
  195. Need Help With Mode 3 ALDL Command
  196. Tunerpro X 2
  197. Tunerpro ?
  198. K1500 4.3 to 7.4 swap
  199. wierd issue with HDD protection
  200. almost ready to start my truck with 5.7 and manual trans but i have question
  201. trouble burning a chip
  202. How to Request Mode 3 ALDL Data Using TunerPro RT
  203. Spark Advance table changes when saved in Tunerpro
  204. Averaging 2 values in .ADX
  205. Wierd Autoprom connection issues
  206. VE table in $5B ?
  207. Adding XDF header catagories
  208. I am lost
  209. 4l60e tunerpro rt and torque signal pressure doesn't exceed 127
  210. No Rev Limiter, Add to XDF?
  211. $EE ADX connection issue.
  212. 16196285 BIN, $36 XDF, and *.adx
  213. Is it possible to wire a WBO2 directly to to an ECM?
  214. Emulation first-use confusion
  215. TunerPro RT w/MacBook Pro?
  216. Creating an adx
  217. idle RPM and IAC counts are not responding
  218. Need Bin Definition and Acquisition files for 1987 F-Body 1227165 Tuned Port 5.7 auto
  219. where is the fuel map table for 1227165 to adjust air fuel ratio
  220. Understanding how choke decay works 1227747
  221. need to know best scan tool for my tbi setup and can still be used for newer obd2
  222. open loop idle 1227747
  223. Just registered my TunerProRT
  224. Tuning a '94 LT1
  225. New TP Version Launched - 5.00.8853.00 (11/26/15)
  226. wideband datalogging without autoprom 1227747 ECM
  227. Can TunerPro change/interpet other crank signals?
  228. No f***ing clue what I'm doing
  229. Very rich, no idle
  230. Frustrated with ALDL Cable
  231. Tuner Pro FAQ and Tutorials
  232. IAC not responding like I think it should 7747
  233. Disable AE and PE and O2 sensor for base tune
  234. Split BLM tuning question
  235. data recorded
  236. Disconnect battery to emulate?
  237. TunerPro conneting issues
  238. can MAT inverse Lookup table be data traced in 7730 ecm $8D
  239. how to start real time tuning?
  240. TunerPro log file questions
  241. Custom ADX
  242. newbie tuning international harvester scout with tbi conversion
  243. Help me for Tune for this set up ????
  244. Error 51 7747
  245. Twenty Thousand Degrees Advanced
  246. Lean hesitation with cold engine TBI
  247. OBDII plug-in
  248. Log file format.
  249. connectiing to TunerPro 1227747 ecm
  250. $_ _ <----- Help