View Full Version : EFI Parts, Supplies, Software and Reviews!

  1. www.moates.net
  2. Tuner Pro software
  3. 14point7.com
  4. MegaSquirt Parts Suppliers and Software
  5. GQ-4X Programmer from MCUMALL.com Review!
  6. Dynamic EFI
  7. Mr. Injector
  8. Book Review:How to Use and Upgrade to GM Gen III LS-Series Powertrain Control Systems
  9. New 24x reluctor kit for CNP ignition and 512kb PCM for $199
  10. howellefi.com thumbs down
  11. GPS Speed Adapter for the most uncommon mods
  12. Which solder?
  13. Left over GM TBI conversion parts
  14. 383 striker tune
  15. Moates Awesome Customer Service Experience
  16. CFM
  17. Corvette C5, 1997, 5.7L - Working flash needed for 16232148 PCM