I am going to do this instead of using the g2. I got a burn1 for $32 and am making my own cable. Maybe i can get away with all the necessary equipment for under $60. So some questions. I like the idea of the 28pin latch type dip socket. So should i get a 24 pin dip and solder that to the board then modify the 28pin dip and put that in the 24pin dip. I want to use a s2 zif for when i am burning. so 3 options. 1: Solder the 24pin dip to the board and use the modified 28pin dip to hold the chip. 2: Solder a modified 28pin dip right to the board and use a zif for when burning. 3: Solder a modifies 28pin s2 zif to the board. I like number 3 because its one thing but how well would the zif hold a chip during normal driving. I also like number 2 because the chip will be secured nice in the latch type 28pin dip. But would the zif temporarily fit into the latch type 28pin dip? Hmmm. Btw happy 4th!