I took a look at your log. I really don't see any surge and it's definitely better than what 355chev is experiencing with his bigger cam. I don't know how much more I can help.

I wish I was smart enough to read code and understand how those fuel trim parameters are used to influence pulse width. I have a general idea, but to advance my understanding will take a lot more trial and error. Another reason to get the new engine finished and in my truck.

You've done a great job with your VE table. I've never seen one with as many cells that close to 128.

I noticed the initial advance in your BIN is set to 1.4 degrees. Is this where you have initial advance set with the timing light? It's important these two match because the ECM subtracts the initial advance from the values in the main timing tables.

I think your engine could benefit from more light throttle low RPM advance. I recommend setting the 2,000 rpm 30, 35 and 40 MAP cells to 40 degrees and blend into the surrounding cells. If you have any mild surge in these areas more advance might help.