Quote Originally Posted by evilstuie View Post
I went down this path as well.

I bought the AVT-852 cable because it was the cheaper option, then used Tuner Po and the 24x7 dimented tool.

It will only write the same OS to the PCM. If you try to flash a different OS it bricks, if you try to flash certain OS partial writes, it bricks.
If you follow all of the steps exactly as they are, and only stick to the 1 OS and have a proper XDF with all of the parameters you need, you might be ok.

Trust me, its A LOT cheaper to just buy HP Tuners.

You can plug and play, read/write tunes, there's a wealth of info and tune repository to choose from on the forums.
I'm a computer guy, and even for me, the amount of shit you have to go through and learn for it all, it's not worth it, and once you brick a couple of PCMs trying to get shit working, it's really not worth the hassle.

Just my AUD$0.0026c
In the past tools were written by one person and they wrote if for them self knowing how to use it. Well that's no longer the case, myself and a group of others have been working on a true low cost method to the masses that's safe and easy to use. Rather then one person doing this solo again we have a team of some of the best guys other there working on this each doing what they do best.

Example of the Avt 852 and a J 2534 tool both reading a 512K pcm.

For tuning..... there are a couple of guys working on Xdf's. Right now coverage is limited but that's changing fast. Once again this hasn't fallen onto one person to try and do but a group of people working together with one common goal. 100% Free flashing with cheap hardware. We are getting pretty close to being able to release the read side of this, once we are happy with how it works and will start on the write side of the tool.