Conversions for 256 bit 0 to 5 volts!

For the LC-1 WideBand 0V = 7.35 AFR and 5V = 22.39 AFR.
AFR of 7.35 to 22.39 is a difference of 15.04 divided by 256 = 0.05875

Conversion for this would be:
(X * 0.05875) + 7.350000
Adding the offset makes 0 volts 7.35 AFR

For other Wide Band controllers that have 0V = 10.00 AFR and 5V = 20.00 AFR.
AFR of 10.00 to 20.00 is a difference of 10.00 divided by 256 = 0.0390625

Conversion for this would be:
(X * 0.0390625) + 10.00000
Adding the offset makes 0 volts 10.00 AFR