Quote Originally Posted by JeepsAndGuns View Post
So I just installed a electric cooling fan in my cherokee today. All I gotta do is finish up some wiring. Its a single fan, single speed, and I will be using a standard relay (not pwm). However, I am nowhere near smart enough to put the code into my bin. Is there anyone here that would be willing to do it for me if I email them a copy of my bin?
It's easier than you think.

Open up the hex editor in Tuner Pro (ctrl+h IIRC), go to the addresses needed and type the HEX values into the locations indicated in the first post. Once you get through the values, click on save or commit to bin, save under a new file name, and continue as usual.

You can add the parameters to the XDF as well, so that you can make adjustments, if there isn't already a posted XDF with the fan parameters in it.