The link to $OD information:

Injector Firing vs Distributor Reference Pulse (DRP) can be challenging. I'm thinking TBI injectors are being fired once every DRP. I'm thinking Port Fuel Injection (PFI) is once every 3rd DRP for a V6 engine and once every 4th DRP for a V8 engine. Pin 56 on the Memcal is the cylinder select voltage for TBI or PFI.

Possibly using a 1227727 ECM or 1227730 ECM with a V6 PFI Memcal is an option to achieve the correct Injector Firing vs. DRP (cylinder select voltage)? Possibly the cylinder select voltage of a $OD V6 TBI Memcal can be modified (with a resistor) for correct V6 PFI cylinder select voltage?

Then again, why or why not have all six injectors firing once every DRP with a TBI Memcal?

dave w