Quote Originally Posted by 95GMC View Post
Still battling this even with decel enleanment and DFCO completely disabled though I've sort of just been living with it by dumping a bunch of extra fuel in that area so it only has time to climb from say 11:1 to 14:1 before I'm back in the throttle so i at least don't get a bad surge from climbing to 17:1. Tried adjusting some of the proportional gains but I have no idea what I'm doing so it didn't seem to help much though I did try small adjustments and large adjustments just to see if I was being a nancy about it, didn't seem to have much of an effect either way.

Had another issue this morning which was the first cold morning I've had the truck out in a while. I've been having an issue with running lean when the ambient temperature is low so I went through the trouble of installing a MAT/IAT sensor, cut the flag on in my bin, and set the MAT/CTS blend to .500 but it didn't appear to help at all this morning. I'm wondering if the flags for MAT sensor high/low, code 23/25, have to be enabled for the ECU to use it in it's fuel calculations? I thought I had read of people just enabling the flag itself for MAT and not the high/low flags but I'm going to cut those on just in case. Yesterday when I drove the truck home all the trims looked great and didn't notice any lean areas. Should I drop this number lower to add more fuel when cold? It almost seems like the MAT input isn't working but I know the ECM sees it because I can get the data on my adx file and it's reading correctly. I don't see any other tables I can adjust to adjust fueling across the board at different ambient temps, just AE adjustments for different temps. Otherwise I would have just adjusted that table than go through the trouble of installing the MAT sensor.
Have you filed in your idle ve?with trimalyzer you can filter for idle flag and get it dialed in pretty easy only using data from when it's running off of the idle ve table. If you put an AFR error in your ADX, you can use that in trimalyzer and tune open loop. Since you have wideband, I would log a full open loop run and see how far off it is. The O2 only has a limited amount of time to figure out how far off it is.