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Thread: 7903 OS using Tuner Pro for fuel gauge set up.

  1. #1
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    7903 OS using Tuner Pro for fuel gauge set up.

    So far tuner pro has worked for everything I needed except setting up the fuel gauge. I swapped a LQ4 6.0l into a 99 suburban and trying to get the fuel gauge to work. I know that it runs through the computer but so far I cant use tuner pro to change the tank size or set up a output for the gauge. Is tuner pro incapable of doing this or does a depend on a certain XDF file? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Fuel Injected! trlrider's Avatar
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    Geronimo, TX (Guadalupe County)
    Does you gauge even work?
    It is possible the motor that runs the gauge has failed. May need to get a scan tool that allows testing of the gauge sweep. Had this with a neighbors swap. He swore up and down the gauge worked before the swap. Pulled the cluster and put it on the bench, no worky! Replaced the lights and motors and reinstalled, it all works now without messing with the tune.
    Also there are some sending units that work backwards and this will be a wiring issue. It is documented on the GMT400 forum!
    Jack of all trades, absolutely master of none! Too many projects, not enough time and limited funds.
    Geronimo, Guadalupe County, Texas
    1993 K1500 Suburban - SBC Refit retraining the TBI and Computer Control.
    2004 Z66 Avalanche 5;3 to 6.0 LQ9 upgrade - project pending

  3. #3
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Sheesh, I haven't been involved with too much dash stuff except for swaps that have worked fine. I want to get more involved with this especially since it seems to be a future effort.
    It seems to me we should start a thread that can ultimately lead to a sticky containing the .bins of the dashes.

  4. #4
    Fuel Injected! trlrider's Avatar
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    Geronimo, TX (Guadalupe County)
    Quote Originally Posted by In-Tech View Post
    Sheesh, I haven't been involved with too much dash stuff except for swaps that have worked fine. I want to get more involved with this especially since it seems to be a future effort.
    It seems to me we should start a thread that can ultimately lead to a sticky containing the .bins of the dashes.

    There is a program out now based on PCMHammer for doing instrument clusters now. Simple bench harness and power supply and you are in business.
    Sadly I cannot remember the name of the program and cannot find where I saved it on my laptop.
    Friday evening after a rough week at work, working on deflating with a Shiner Bock.
    Maybe re-engage brain tomorrow.
    Jack of all trades, absolutely master of none! Too many projects, not enough time and limited funds.
    Geronimo, Guadalupe County, Texas
    1993 K1500 Suburban - SBC Refit retraining the TBI and Computer Control.
    2004 Z66 Avalanche 5;3 to 6.0 LQ9 upgrade - project pending

  5. #5
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Bradley View Post
    So far tuner pro has worked for everything I needed except setting up the fuel gauge. I swapped a LQ4 6.0l into a 99 suburban and trying to get the fuel gauge to work. I know that it runs through the computer but so far I cant use tuner pro to change the tank size or set up a output for the gauge. Is tuner pro incapable of doing this or does a depend on a certain XDF file? Thanks.
    Post the bin you are using and I'll see what I can do.

  6. #6
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Mar 2021
    Im pretty sure my bin is set up already for this. I can adjust the PWM gauge table but dont know what output its set too. OS 7603
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  7. #7
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    Just to verify your 99 Suburban was originally a Black Box 4 connector PCM? And it looks like for some reason it is a 04 OS that you put a 03 Sierra VIN in it? What fuel system? Return or returnless? That 04 OS is set up for a returnless fuel system with the regulator in the tank.
    Last edited by 2xls1; 09-02-2021 at 02:33 AM.

  8. #8
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Mar 2021
    Yes my 99 suburban had the black box with 4 connectors. I used 2004 LQ4 DBW and had to change the OS to 7603 because it had the 9405 OS. But the fuel system is a return style which would probably explain my stumbling problem.

  9. #9
    Fuel Injected!
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    Nov 2017
        Injector Flow Rate Vs. Vacuum    <<<<<<< This is an example of the table when using a vacuum controlled fuel pressure regulator 
      Kpa   gm/sec
         0  3.180  
         5  3.180  
        10  3.180  
        15  3.180  
        20  3.180  
        25  3.180  
        30  3.180  
        35  3.180  
        40  3.180  
        45  3.180  
        50  3.180  
        55  3.180  
        60  3.180  
        65  3.180  
        70  3.180  
        75  3.180  
        80  3.180
        Injector Flow Rate Vs. Vacuum    <<<<<<< This is an example of the table when no vacuum is present to the fuel pressure regulator.
                                                 The table may appear inverted, however it is the amount of Kpa VACUUM at the tip of the injector.
                                                 Do NOT compare to the actual Kpa in the intake manifold.
      Kpa   gm/sec
         0  3.086  
         5  3.102  
        10  3.125  
        15  3.141  
        20  3.164  
        25  3.180  
        30  3.195  
        35  3.219  
        40  3.234  
        45  3.250  
        50  3.273  
        55  3.289  
        60  3.305  
        65  3.336  
        70  3.359  
        75  3.391  
        80  3.414
    Last edited by In-Tech; 09-03-2021 at 07:14 AM.

  10. #10
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    The fuel gauge tables in a 99 Black Box PCM that are going to control a 99 cluster are nowhere near compatible or transferable from a 04 P59 OS. Tunerpro doesn't even show all the 04 tables either.

    And there are a few other injector tables that are different between return and return less fuel systems besides IFR.

  11. #11
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    This is the best I can do showing you the differences between a 99 and 04 OS Fuel Gauge calibrations. I used excel files for a couple of the tables because the tables were too big for screen shots. I'm only showing the tables that have common names between the 99 and 04 OS.
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    Last edited by 2xls1; 09-04-2021 at 02:52 AM.

  12. #12
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    This is what Im trying to accomplish in the photo. Its not perfect but guys adjust the fuel table to get it close. But a output for the gauge needs to be set because the factory 04 gauge worked through the BCM. I might just buy the fuel gauge module and give up on this. I have been trying to find a fuel segment for a return style for the last 2 hours. I might just have to scrap turner pro and get HP tuners at this point.
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  13. #13
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    Are you wanting a 04 Van fuel system segment (segment 6) swapped into your file? If so I can do that. And I can also input the return style injector data. That is easy.
    Last edited by 2xls1; 09-04-2021 at 10:01 PM.

  14. #14
    Electronic Ignition!
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    Mar 2021
    That would be amazing. I would need the fuel segment from a 2002 5.7l van and the fuel gauge output enabled. I believe it sends it to pin 54. I also need the tank size changed to 42 gallons. I would be much appreciated.

  15. #15
    Fuel Injected!
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    Apr 2017
    Here are a couple bins. One is your file with just the return fuel injector data, and the other is same with 04 Van fuel system segment which has the tank and gauge data in it swapped. Also it looks like your base file is a pretty much stock 04 6.0L calibration which is kind of a turd in its stock form.

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