What you chose to tune and data log with is up to you. This forum is for those that are willing to put up with a little less user friendliness, not all vehicle OS supported but cost less to use tuning solution. I don't have much time behind the wheel of Tunerpro. I used it years ago when I was doing some OBD1 tuning, All my OBD2 tuning has been with HP Tuners and Tunercat. I can pretty much do the same things with Tunercat and HP Tuners on the editor side with Tunercar being a little more cumbersome to use with the trade off being it was cheaper to license vehicles. No scanner included with Tunercat but having HP Tuners I could scan with it and edit with Tunercat. Over time I've grown to use HP Tuners 95% of the time with using Tunercat on the vehicles I don't have model year licenses with HPT. A commercial product like HP Tuners has more support, more users/help scanner/editor designed to work together but the cost is higher. As a beginner it's going to be a steep learning curve no matter what you use. HP Tuners would probably take some of that difficulty out but it is still going to have to be learned. It doesn't come with instructions.