Incorrect VE affects engine operation both in open and closed loop. The ECM requires time to deliver fuel, check O2, make corrections, then enter those corrections into short time and / or long term fuel trim. Here are some symptomes I use to help separate incorrect VE from incorrect AE

If acceleration sags or the intake pops almost immediately after the throttle is pressed then you probably need more AE.
If power is lacking or the intake is popping after throttle andle is increased then held you likely have incorrect VE.

AE gives a very fast shot to cover the change in air density as the throttle plates are opened or as engine load increases. VE provides correct fuel when throttle angle is relatively consistent or changing slowly.

Since VE can and should be tuned with WBO2, I recommend focusing on VE before AE. Otherwise you risk creating a calibration that has too much AE. A calibration like that performs erratically.

Good luck.