The missing tooth will cause a misfire problem with a non-sequential injection computer, and this setup can only be used by the matching ecm for it......unless you are up for a little crazy.......such as using a speeduino controller for spark control only.

The speeduino is very universal, and can be used for any type of missing tooth setup or pickup. However, it can only be set up for bank-fire injection on a v8, but for spark control, it would be fine. Large spark table, and can be configured for boost, nitrous, fan and launch control. Just tie in to the purple/wht wire <HEI REF> for input to the speeduino, and hook it up to control the tan/blk <BYPASS> and the white wire <EST> from the distributor, and you can fire 1 coil or 4 coils (waste spark), Depending on what you want. Tie in at the MAP and Coolant temp sensor signals, and you are set. The rest is setting it up in Tunerstudio. Just not sure if crazy is the path for you. heh.