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Thread: EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

  1. #1
    RIP EagleMark's Avatar
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    EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

    EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations
    #/Hr - Pounds per Hour or PPH
    ABS - Anti-lock Braking System
    A/C - Air Conditioning
    AE - Acceleration Enrichment
    AFPR - Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator
    AFR - Air Fuel Ratio
    ATDC - After Top Dead Center
    ALDL - Assembly Line Diagnostic Link
    BARO - Barometric Pressure
    BBL - Barrel
    BCM - Body Control Module
    BDC - Bottom Dead Center
    BIN - Binary
    BLM - Block Learn Multiplier
    BSFC - Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
    BPC - Base Pulse Constant
    BPW - Base Pulse Width
    BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
    CAT - Catalytic Converter
    CCI - Computer Controlled Ignition
    CCP - Charcoal Cannister Purge
    CDI - Capacitive Discharge Ignition
    CEL - Check Engine Light
    CFI - Cross-Fire Injection
    CLT - Closed Loop Term
    CNP - Coil Near Plug
    CTS - Coolant Temperature Sensor
    DC - Duty Cycle
    DE - Deceleration Enleanment
    DFCO - Decel Fuel Cut Off
    DIS - Distributorless Ignition System
    DRP - Distributor Reference Pulse

    EAC Valve An abbreviation for Electric air control valve. This is the GM version of a diverter air gulp valve, providing three functions in a single valve
    •the normal diverter valve function, i.e., it diverts air on rapid increase in manifold vacuum;
    •it relieves pressure by diverting air to the air cleaner when the air injection system pressure exceeds a certain set level;
    •being solenoid-controlled, it allows air to be diverted under any desired operating mode.

    ECM - Engine Control Module
    ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature
    EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
    EGT - Exhaust Gas Temperature
    EPROM - Eraseable Programmable Read-only Memory
    ESC - Electronic Spark Control, knock detection & retard
    EST - Electronic Spark Timing, SA control
    FAR - Fuel Air Ratio
    FPR - Fuel Pressure Regulator
    Ft/Lb - Foot Pounds
    GPS - Grams Per Second
    Gms/Sec - Grams per Second
    HEI - High Energy Ignition
    HP - Horse Power
    IAC - Idle Air Control
    IAT - Intake Air Temperature
    INT - Integrator
    Km - KiloMeters
    Km/L - Kilometers per Litre
    KPa - KiloPascals
    KPH - Kilometers Per Hour
    LM - Launch Mode
    LSA - Lobe Separation Angle
    MAF - Mass Air Flow
    MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
    MAT - Manifold Air Temperature
    MPG - Miles Per Gallon
    MPH - Miles Per Hour
    MPFI - Multi Port Fuel Injection
    NB - Narrow Band O2 sensor
    O2 - Oxygen Sensor
    P/S - Power Steering
    PCM - Powertrain Control Module
    PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
    PE - Power Enrichment
    PPH - Pounds Per Hour
    PROM - Programmable Read-only Memory
    PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
    PW - Pulse Width
    PWM - Pulse Width Modulation
    RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
    SA - Spark Advance
    SD - Speed Density
    SES - Service Engine Soon
    TACH - Tachometer
    TBI - Throttle Body Injection
    TCC - Torque Converter Clutch
    TCM - Transmission Control Module
    TDC - Top Dead Center
    TF - Throttle Follower
    TPS - Throttle Position Sensor
    TSA - total spark advance
    VAC - Vacuum
    VAFPR - Vacuum Adjusted Fuel Pressure Regulator
    VATS - Vehicle Anti-theft System
    VE - Volumetric Efficiency
    VRFPR - Vacuum Referenced Fuel Pressure Regulator
    VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
    WB - Wide Band O2 sensor
    WOT - Wide Open Throttle

    1990 Chevy Suburban 5.7L Auto ECM 1227747 $42!
    1998 Chevy Silverado 5.7L Vortec 0411 Swap to RoadRunner!
    -= =-

  2. #2
    Carb and Points!
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

    This is great for a newb like me. Thanks!

  3. #3
    RIP EagleMark's Avatar
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    North Idaho

    Re: EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

    There's a lot more when you get into OBDII stuff. This is all I knew off top of my head...

    1990 Chevy Suburban 5.7L Auto ECM 1227747 $42!
    1998 Chevy Silverado 5.7L Vortec 0411 Swap to RoadRunner!
    -= =-

  4. #4
    Carb and Points!
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    Apr 2011

    Re: EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

    Thank you sir. I was contemplating making my own list to keep all of these straight.
    Jason Honeycutt
    1978 IH Scout II
    1976/78 IH Terra
    G R C built
    S E B A

  5. #5
    RIP EagleMark's Avatar
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    Re: EFI Acronyms and Abbreviations

    If anyone knows one not listed just post them up and I will edit the list.

    Lots of this stuff that is coming together here in the forums I will turn into HTML pages for future reference and the search engines find HTML pages easier than php or cgi or any kind of forum type data base driven information.

    We have all summer though... I spend more time inside doing these projects in winter! Gives me something to do while staying warm!

    1990 Chevy Suburban 5.7L Auto ECM 1227747 $42!
    1998 Chevy Silverado 5.7L Vortec 0411 Swap to RoadRunner!
    -= =-

  6. #6
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanks for this great information.. Love this Site!!!
    83 CJ7 : w/350 TBI engine, TH350 Trans (non-electronic), Dana 300 Transfer Case, 4.5 Suspension lift, 2 body one 35" Tires.

  7. #7
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    This section is a great help. I have a question about a couple of term... most I can guess, but a GM definition would be more exact

    M1BTPTRN MODULE 1 BIT PATTERN NUMBER : This is the calibration code for one of the processors (Tside)
    GP6EM2P1 MODULE 2 (GMP6-E) PART NUMBER BYTE : This is the calibration code for the other (Eside)

    If we know the definition, the page could be updated to show...


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Lakes Region, NH
    Are you sure the "Bit Pattern Number" is the calibration code? It seems like another name for Mask ID to me.

  9. #9
    Fuel Injected!
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    Jan 2019

    Bit pattern vs. Cal code

    Quote Originally Posted by 1project2many View Post
    Are you sure the "Bit Pattern Number" is the calibration code? It seems like another name for Mask ID to me.
    Nope... not sure at all. Many sources of info differ. Could you explain calibration code?? In my understanding (a bit of a fog at best) we have:

    Software : Code base for all similar PCMs
    Calibration : Application specific parameters and tables
    EEPROM : Car specific

    I am just guessing that the overall combination of Cal and S/W might be designated "bit pattern" by GM (?)

    EEPROM (I am working on at the moment) has a number of entries. Here is a copy of my TSide EEPROM content. It is not too bad to work through as only a few of the 512 locations are used.

    The code is interesting in that it permits download of the various segments which are flagged for programming by a main loop. There are also blocks which set ram locations. These *might* be SPIed over to Eside for programming in the EEPROM there(?). These are blocks in the $40 range.

    This is what I think I am looking at:

    The "EEPROM programmed" bit is interesting in that it can be written only to zero. I believe this was used by the factory such that the vin would be set only once so they could keep track of all the numbers.

    I plan to share my disassembly of the EEPROM program / read over the OBDII shortly. It would be good if you could correct my terminology just so I don't create a bunch of confusion.

    I wonder if these details could be shared in the acronyms and abbreviations section? Other terms I am searching for... TFT

    Last edited by Tom H; 05-20-2019 at 01:49 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Lakes Region, NH
    Could you explain calibration code??
    I don't have an official definition for "Calibration Code." I'm simply noting that it seems strange that one processor's "calibration code" would be called a "Bit Pattern Number" while the other processor would use "Part Number." Not only are GM's own terms different between the processors but the format varies from other OBDII calibration listing format.

    In my understanding (a bit of a fog at best) we have:
    Software : Code base for all similar PCMs
    Calibration : Application specific parameters and tables
    EEPROM : Car specific
    This seems logical to me. The software in most GM OBDI vehicles is identified by a "Mask ID" which correlates to a bit pattern for the calibration data, the application specific parameters. The mask ID is not unique to specific software and in some cases the amateur tuning community has designated additional identifiers where two different programs use the same Mask ID. Based on this I was wondering if the "Bit Pattern" in the 8051 was roughly equivalent to the "Mask ID."

    Hmmm... In TIS the LT1 powered vehicle calibrations appear to be listed a little differently than other OBDII flashable calibrations. For the LT1 vehicles the calibrations have a single part number. Under each part number there are two Calibration ID#'s and no Calibration Verification Numbers. An example is Cal Part No. 16230431 which includes Cal ID#'s 16230337 and 16230336. There is a bulletin available, 57-65-17A, which lists a number of "old calibration" and "new calibration" numbers. I cannot tell if the numbers refer to the "Part Number" or one of the two "Calibration ID's." If you are interested in viewing the bulletin and some GM calibration numbers you can use TIS with VIN 1g1bl52p2tr144830. Maybe having the ability to match numbers found in the 8051 with numbers in TIS or the service bulletin will be helpful?

    Here is a copy of my TSide EEPROM content.
    Interesting. The VIN stored in the EEPROM returns part number 16236231 calibration ID's 16236217 and 16246055. Unfortunately I have little additional information to offer.

  11. #11
    Fuel Injected!
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    Jan 2019

    Prime pulses

    Can anyone give a good description of "prime pulse". I have run across the term "second prime pulse" and would like to know about it.

    Guessing this could be an initial injector squirt of fuel to get things going (?)


  12. #12
    Fuel Injected!
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    Mar 2013
    It will be priming the engine with fuel.

    1st prime pulse
    2nd prime pulse

    In Lt1s it dumps predefined pulse width of injector opening on the first and second low res pulses the pcm sense.
    It is in batch mode firing. After that the fuel is calculated based on calibration`s crank VE table and is in sequencial mode of firing.

  13. #13
    Fuel Injected!
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    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by kur4o View Post
    It will be priming the engine with fuel.

    1st prime pulse
    2nd prime pulse

    In Lt1s it dumps predefined pulse width of injector opening on the first and second low res pulses the pcm sense.
    It is in batch mode firing. After that the fuel is calculated based on calibration`s crank VE table and is in sequencial mode of firing.
    Thanks, that helps. About to post some analysis of the timer chip... switching threads.


  14. #14
    Electronic Ignition!
    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    i have an 88 vet working off of an 89 bin and i keep seeing lv8 and there are no definitions for it. anyone know what this is::::


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