The heads are on the engine. There have been a few odds and ends I have been fixing as I put the van back together that's been holding things up. The last one was the Tbi rebuild gaskets they made it from LA all the way to Oregon in one day, then a postal service worker decides to send it to Texas for a week. Its now due back in Oregon on Monday. I bought a few cheap 409 stainless lengths from Summit and replaced the entire exhaust. It was welding practice mostly, I need to weld more as they still are not that great. It's not structural though and I used angle cuts for budget. This engine will not see 5000rpm on a regular basis, so it will not be maxing out any pipe diameters. They complete system was done for about $200 including the new ss muffler. I did use a lot of argon though so maybe $250 total. I was able to mill out most of the bad stuff in the front exhaust manifold ports and smoothed the iron with carbide burs.