the widebands, and every other input, is runtime-configured through the definition csv file (ee_definition.csv). adding new or different inputs is pretty easy.

if you use the special field specifier WIDEBAND for your wideband input, it'll skip the definition file's math and use the configuration in settings->wideband. this just generates a linear equation anyway.

related functions are settings_editor::set_wideband_parameters() and datalog_definition::config_wideband(float adder, float multiplier, bool enable)

you could just as easily NOT specify it as a special WIDEBAND field and do your own math in the definition file.

if you set their SHORT_NAME to WIDEBAND_AC or WIDEBAND_D27 then it will be able to use them in the dashboard and analyzer by default, otherwise, just use graphing and/or your own log analysis

if you wanted to add another wideband selection to the settings menu, like WIDEBAND_D25 or something, you could do it. the selected wideband is enumerated in settings.h and stored as a number, and then eehack_settings::get_wb_str() will give you the string that represents that in the definition as a short_name. you would need a new button in the settings ui, and copy the behavior of the other ones (including load/save of that value on open/close of eehack) add a new short_name string to eehack_settings::get_wb_str(), and a new enumerator to the class in settings.h