Ahhhh!!! I figured out what was wrong with the temperature. Put a new ecm in it and it's fine. So frustrating haha. So I finally got to fully run and catalog ARAP. And it started fine right of the bat. I figured out I think that the warmer the engine the harder the start. If I open throttle blades itfires right up tho. Now datalogging was a little different this time and ONLY IDLE I datalogged. It ran fine but once closed loop came it went lean BLM 149/ INT 129. So I went to the MAF table 1 found the closest g\ sec. That my idle was and I slowly kept raising it 0.10 at a time til I would see my blms lower or at least budge. Well I ended up going like 2 grams higher before it changed and took like 20 mins to change then all of a sudden went 134\ 132 but was at 220* temp. So I turned key off. Let it cool down a lil. Fired it up and started surging like it was loading up before closed loop. I set back to stock settings right before I ran out of time. I don't think I'm liking or understanding the MAF tables. How's it even know what load your at?