Steve, Beta6 isn't running either. I used the installed and put it in C:\Program Files(x86)\eehack just as it asked, then copy/pasted all of the additional files over from the other folder where I had the previous versions installed, being careful not to overwrite any newer files. Same problem as before. I tried running Beta3 from that folder, and I get a "the application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".

I'm still able to run Beta3 just fine from my other folder.
Just for giggles, I threw beta6 (eehack.exe by itself) into my other folder where Beta3 runs, and it says "The procedure entry point ?registerNormalizedType@QMetaType@@SAHABVQByteArra y@@P6AXPAX@ZP6APAX1PBX@ZHV?$QFlags2W4TypeFlag@QMet aType@@@@PBUQMetaObject@@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\me\Documents\eehack\eehack.exe."

If you'd rather me take this offline or via email we can do that so I'm not crapping up this thread with windows related problems.