From what i read about the knock sensor i agree on that. It seems that they easely get damaged if you try getting them out an old engine, the esc i might get my hands on one this thursday. Today i got an adress from someone who has a salvageyard with only gm vans and caprices. i called him up and asked if i could have a look myself. Apparently he doesnt bother with the smaller bits.(who knows i come accross a caprice copcar ). About the moates G2 adapter, 30$ isn't expensive, only problem is that if i buy something from a store or ebay in the US, customs are bound to let me pay for import so to make it clear 30$ will end up being close to double or even more then the purchaseprice when it arrives on my doorstep in europe. Thats why i havent done that allready.
Instead i would make my own adapter. Thru my nights of browsing for info i came across a few treads and articles about this. I also been to the local electronics shop and layed out what i wanted to do and the shopowner said there were a few things i could do.
1: just connect the pins 1,2,27&28 to 26 making sure the bin file was in the top memory
2: same as above but loading up the same binfile in every memory part for added safety
3: dividing up the chip with adreslines (dipswitch) and hereby enableing stacking multiple binfiles for different settings
i do have interest in the third option, the reason why is because next summer the van will go to a shop to make it run on fuel combinations, being the standard 98oct gasoline, LPG(has its own ecu system and last a combination of gasoline and hydrogin. therefor i thing it might be usefull to have two different bins onboard. or am i seeing it wrong?
Oh and as last question i'm having for now
some say if you put a tbi on an older engine AND make use of the knock sensor, its best to change lifters because the noise of the older lifters might set off the sensor. any ideas about that?