Quote Originally Posted by Six_Shooter View Post
But people ARE willing to pay for the infrastructure support for electric vehicles. Look up what Elon Musk is doing for charging stations for the Tesla cars he sells.

The idea that the current grid can not support electric vehicle recharging is a made up idea by oil companies. To recharge a car overnight is about the equivalent of leaving a single 60 watt light on over night, which everyone could do and the current infrastructure wouldn't even flinch. The only part that would put a strain on the current infrastructure are the quick charge stations that take many hundreds of amps at a time to quickly recharge a large bank of batteries.
I know Six, I live on the west coast. Do you also know those same stations pretty much lay there unused. It isn't some oil company conspiracy, its simple economics. Part of my schooling was spent researching the past and I know electric cars were around than and were popular. But than, as now, infrastructure, practicality and distance are against it. ICE engines will continue to be dominant for a very long time. Whats interesting that every time ICE was declared dead, gas came down or new tech came about and brought costs down. Variable valve, variable displacement were also scoffed at but look at how they have revolutionized the industry.