Looks like you're all set now pizzaboy192, sweet! :)

So exactly today is the first anniversary of the app (the day I wrote the first line of code of it). Can't believe how it progressed in only a year, I wouldn't have expected the app to be where it is after only a year. Thanks guys for being so supportive! I have no idea what will happen in the next coming year, I will probably continue to develop the app as I think its a good code base for future apps to support other ECUs. Lots of stuff like the dashboard, tuning widgets, log viewers, data logging system, etc can all be reused on any automotive app so I might end up doing that as I do have a good code base for doing it now. If somebody have any idea of platform to supports (Probably no OBD2, there is enough app already), let me know! Obviously ALDLdroid wouldn't be affected by this :D