Quote Originally Posted by PJG1173 View Post
do you have excel doing the calculations/filtering for you or creating a piviot table like the tunerpro histogram? Mind sharing if you do? This is what I tried to do with mine but I am having a hard time figuring out how to put it in a format that coinsides with my VE tables. I can filter all the stuff I don't want to look at out, and tried create a pivot table but don't really know what to do from there. I have a spreadsheet that I copy my off idle ve table to and the tunerpro histogram and it will do the calulations for me but its not filtered. I would love to be able to export a log filter the data and then reimport it, but it doesn't look like TP supports that. do you know a way? I've attached the excel sheet I made to do my calculations. I saved it to 2003 format since the forum will not accept office 2007 file extensions, so hopefully all the formulas still work.
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