Quote Originally Posted by buddrow View Post
I believe you must first load a bin into the autoprom. Unless you have a chip in the autoprom already loaded with a bin.

Never have an EPROM in the EPROM socket of the AutoProm while emulating.

Coming up with a system that shows the progress through bins can be interesting. I think I finally have my system down, after years of trying different things. My format goes something like this: year.majorversionnumber.minorversionnumber.bin. I.E. 2014.2.9.bin I sometimes have a special note if I'm trying something very odd in the name, but not as much as I used to.

As far as the uploading to the autoprom goes, it can be both manual and automatically done.

You can have the hardware connected and not be emulating and then upload the entire bin after changes are made, be it one or many changes.

While emulating there are two ways to have changes uploaded, if you edit in the actual table of an item, you then need to hit the upload button found at the top left of that window. If you edit in a graph, then the change is uploaded automatically when you release the mouse button. You will hear a little sound when an uploaded is made. There are two sounds, one that is good, meaning that the upload was successful, and another that indicates that it was not successful, you'll figure out what the good sound is pretty quickly. ;)

As said, change the mask ID to $AA to emulate, if you don't the ECM can revert to LHM and tuning becomes impossible at that point.