Well, here's a prototype of my ALDL Gauge:

It's not real data, just experimenting with visuals and packaging.

The colors are a little over saturated making them hard to distinguish, but the "sweep" changes from green to yellow to red depending on the RPM.

The Arduino NANO, HC-05 Bluetooth, display "sandwich" and another board for input and power conditioning will all easily fit in the gauge case. I will have an external rotary encoder that has a momentary push switch too for changing what is displayed on the gauge.

Now to modify my existing ALDL logging code so that it works with the new display.

Here's some pictures of the OLED text display / RGB LED Sweep sandwich. This ring on the last image is a 2" gauge bezel, for size comparison.

photo 1.JPG.jpegphoto 2.JPG.jpegphoto 3.JPG.jpeg