The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.

Thomas Jefferson

I grew up in NJ where the right to bear arms means you can wear a slevless shirt!
So the only few guns I had were illeagal small pocket guns for protection, never fired. When I left NJ at 21 with a cab over camper for a year road trip I was only gone 2 weeks and knew I was never going home. Found that in the rest of the country you could own guns, buy guns, shoot guns and some states like my favorite AZ wear a sidearm in full view. Legally!

2 of my three small pocket guns from NJ: One was an auto and fired once and jambed everytime. Had a gunsmith fix it. One was a revolver that jammed on first bullet then fire, then jam then fire... Had a shop smith fix it. Glad I never needed them!