Quote Originally Posted by dave w View Post
Standard disclaimer ... Likely goes without saying, but here goes anyway ... The .bin files I've posted work well for the vehicle it was originally "Tuned" for. Individual "Tuning" results can / will vary. There is always possibly of damage or personal injury. Use posted .bin files at "Your Own Risk".

Always use a Wide Band Oxygen Sensor when "Tuning". When playing poker, trust everyone at the table, but it's a good plan to "Cut the Deck".

Considering the expensive nature of building an engine, why would anyone not use a Wide Band Oxygen Sensor when starting up / breaking in a new engine?

The "Ultimate EFI Modification" is spelled "Tuning".

dave w
Absolutely, was just looking for some place to start with it. Isn't wide band o2 and narrow band offline at first start?