I will be happy to provide all the supporting work including one mostly documented disassembly and four other disassemblies that I've been using for comparison. I've been cross referencing A225.ds and A226.ds along with other hacks. I can also show that I've been a professional programmer for nearly 15 years and have also done a commented disassembly and xdf for ALWB/$53 out of a 1991 Pontiac LeMans. In case anyone is curious I plan to use the LeMans throttle body setup on an air cooled vw as they are nearly the same displacement. Did you know that they were so cheap they didn't give the LeMans an IAT sensor even though the ecu and code supported it, instead they emulate it based on coolant temp if a flag is set.

Xnke - If Quadstar87 is working on a reflash routine he must be working on the ODB2 ecu's. I haven't looked into them much but seem to remember reading that they are still 68hc11 based unlike most other ODB2 GM ecu's that went to 68332. It would be interesting to see what code changes GM made over the years.

brian617 - The more bins we have available the better. I think there is a decent amount of code in these that could be removed or simplified and the space re-purposed for custom functionality. Plus the obvious benefit of comparing the calibrations between different vehicles. So far I have BNTB, BNTK, BPAA, BPBS, BPDP, and BRMM.