Quote Originally Posted by Xnke View Post
I haven't had any kind of luck hunting down the voltage drop issue-I am about to stuff a 22,000uF capacitor filter across the switched power and another across the battery power and hope that's enough to limit the voltage drop during cranking.

I'll have the wideband in the pipe tomarrow, and should be able to get some fuel table feedback to try and get the PCM to at least attempt to control fueling-it's still Scrooge Mcduck rich, immediately after it fires.

It's really, really strange-it will start and run for a few seconds every single time-with absolutely no regard to temperature or weather, just like a factory truck. But after the initial crankup and first firing, it immediately struggles to not drown in fuel. I'm hoping by leaning out the main and idle VE tables some, I can at least get it to run long enough to get the alternator on board, and hopefully that will cure the voltage issue.

The odd thing is that the relays aren't chattering and nothing else seems to have an issue with the voltage-just the PCM. And it does it will all four functional PCM's I've got-I managed to rescue the dead ones.
Have you tried cracking the throttle blade to allow more air in, or remove a vacuum pipe. It might just allow it to keep it running long enough.

Terminal Crazy