heya, good to have another linux user. what distribution are you using?

make sure you're using QT 5.6 or higher. earlier versions wont work. brian found that the baud rate wont set correctly.

then download the source from my website http://fbodytech.com/eehack-2/download-eehack/

unpack the zip somewhere, how about in your home directory? you can use the command unzip file_to_unzip.zip -d where_to_unzip

you have to open a command prompt and enter the directory where you've unpacked the source.

commands for moving around directories at the command prompt:
ls lists current directories (list)
cd enters directories (change directory)
pwd tells you where you are (print working directory)
cd .. will go up one directory
if the directory name has spaces in it, you need to use quotes, like: cd "this directory name"
if you type the first part of a file or directory and press 'tab' it'll probably fill the rest in for you

first thing you need to run is 'qmake'
then if that succeeds, 'make'
then probably 'sudo make install' would be a good idea

when fbody_brian wakes up he can help you out further. if you can't get 'er figured, maybe we can get together and write a build/install script or get a distribution package going for your distro.