Hello all! I figured I'd better re-introduce myself since I've been MIA for a long time!
I originally joined with my 1993 Cavalier Z24 which I still have, but NOW I have a 1994 Camaro V6.
What can I say? I guess I just love the junkers! HAHA

I have a pretty ambitious albeit ridiculous plan.... to put a 3.5L Oldsmobile LX5 in the Camaro.

I still have the Cavalier but I'm not sure for how long. I just lost interest in it.
My GF was in two crashes in as many weeks and as I looked for a replacement, I decided I didn't want her driving the Cavy because it didn't have airbags. Then I realized that I shouldn't probably be driving it either!

So now I am going to figure out how to get this LX5 into the 'maro and run it. I have the whole harness and ECU from the donor Intrigue.

Still a noob when it comes to tuning though. I learned a LOT with my EBL P4 Flash but I have a LONG WAY to go.

Thanks for being such a great community!