Also, could you possibly have it remember the narrowband/wideband selection on cruise analysis? every time I restart the program I have to reselect it.
i s'pose i could do that. i'll fix the wideband percentage thing too.

do you have a log with wideband data and the afr display hack i can have? i don't seem to have a clean one right now.
the AFR thing can be pretty sketchy as i make it override BLM, closed loop, do a BLM reset, bunch of other crazy crap to make it work. i plan to disable the feature unless patched, and use a patch to make it behave a bit better.

timing and idle should be ok though?

the new version should clear all settings when closing the 'controller' window, you shouldn't have to reconnect

it's possible i've missed some stuff, there were a ton of changes and to be completely honest i've only bench tested this stuff, not tested on my actual car yet, so i bet something is broken. let me know what else you can find.