Thought I'd post this here and get thoughts. I recently had a pretty heated discussion with a family member on the future of racing and such and electric cars. His postulation is gas be damned as well as oil companies and anyone connected with it as we're all stealing people's money apparently. Being a young auto tech I was a little annoyed. He further went to say I was stupid for picking a dying industry and will find myself outdated in a few years so I'd better get back into school and get educated on something more useful. That, of course, was the straw that broke the camel's back and it took a turn for the nasty as I berated him for being part of the "green agenda" and crapping on everyone just to satisfy their obsession with saving the planet since it's going to hell every second of every day.

So, I ask the gearhead's here, you think electric cars will completely kill off the internal combustion engine in five years or are we seeing extreme arrogance from that side of the fence?