I could always release the GPS when the dashboard isn't active and you're not data logging (that's the two things I need the GPS data for). I assume when you shut off the car, the connection with the ECU is lost so automatically you're not data logging anymore for sure and then the tablet should go to sleep so hopefully the onPause() event of the dashboard activity should be called, I hope... I could just do it the easy way also and connect / disconnect the GPS at the same time as the ECU connect / disconnect happen but then the GPS indicators won't update when the ECU isn't connected and I kind of like that feature.

I think I will be able to figure something out for the next version or two :P

As for the colors, I'm happy to hear it's working! If you use an unused page of your dashboard to just add the six possible indicators style there is, your main.json file will contains all the possible colors label there is for each indicator (they are all saved with default values). Everything should be pretty well labeled in that file so it should be enough to figure this out. If not, well ask here obviously :)

And a screenshot and/or another picture of your sweet setup would be cool once you got it all setup.