Mike, I don't even think you need to buy 3 copies, you should be able to share the app across device as long as they are all using the same Google Play account. :)

I got part of my order for the Arduino stuff yesterday. I'm already displaying stuff on the OLED display :) Now I just need to receive the CAN bus shield and talk to the MS :) I was looking for an empty gauge cases source as well and couldn't find anything so I went ahead and ordered cheap Chinese gauges http://www.ebay.com/itm/251182263708 and http://www.ebay.com/itm/251283313843. Hopefully they can be taken apart somewhat easily and I can install my display in there. The Arduino will be remote as its too big to fit in this thing I assume. I might do a proper PCB at some point but that is sort of out of my expertise. I won't work on a ALDL version of this but I will be sharing the source and detail so anybody can jump in.

Anyway, back to ALDLdroid, I plan to prepare the app entry for Google Play this weekend. That mean writing the description, taking both tablets and phones screenshots and a few other random stuff. It still won't show up in search tho as I still need to do some more testing.