Quote Originally Posted by mecanicus View Post
will it work on a 16196395, Then I would like to have a downloadlink and test it. Or github link, i can compile it on qt myself!
I tested it on a 16184737 PCM and It is supposed to work on these also 16172693, 16184164, and 16196397 P66 v6.

16196395 seems like an older memcal type ECM. You might need a chip burner for it.

Quote Originally Posted by steveo View Post
i actually did a v6 version, you know.. but nobody cared and tested it so i abandoned it before it was finished

when i wrote the definition file code i was intending to get it going again, at least just for logging, but never got around to it.

i cant believe you actually got it flashing, that's amazing. you're doing awesome work.
I got tired of constant bricked flashes with some commercial tools to the point, It bricked everytime in a car attempt. I tried all possible remedies, even run separate ground and aldl wire straight from the PCM with no luck.

Actually logging was much more effort than the read /write, since the main comm id is e4, the opposite on the v8.
Read/write went right on the first try with the proper flash routine, thanks to the core engine of the eehack. Which is written at very high level even though you don`t like how it is written, It does the job perfectly.

On the v6 the dtc status is send on a separate message. I managed to make it logged every 3 seconds with the main message but need to display the dtcs from the DTC message on the main dash window. Do you know an easy way to link it that way.