Quote Originally Posted by steveo View Post
$003F is the memory address of baro pressure volts

at C366, we see:

C366 : LDAA $00DA
C368 : STAA $003F

00DA is the map pressure (isn't it cool they put a speed density ECM's MAP memory address the same as its mask? im probably the only one that finds this cool.)

this is probably inside the barometric update subroutine, now just need to analyze the conditions and branches that reach this code to figure out how to disable.

or be super evil and just patch 'er like this:

C366 : LDAA $003F
C368 : STAA $003F

also found this,

E5E4 : LDAA #$FF
E5E6 : STAA $003F

this is probably a barometric initializer, sets baro to max, perhaps set this to $7F for a 2 bar system?

more research required.
Like all this, how do I learn about all the code etc.? Might as well be Chinese.