6-pin USB-serial.JPG

You guys should know that you don't really have to fool with putting an adapter into a box or fitting the connectors to it. This FT232RL-based one in the photo is available for about $8-9 shipped. All you have to do is cut off the small 6-pin connector and the wires leaving only the white, green and black ones. Then splice them to your 12-pin/16-pin connector or pigtail. The 12-pin pigtail can be easily gotten for about $5-6 in the form of a 12-pin to 16-pin adapter (cut off the 16-pin one and throw it away). Splice the white and green to the brown (pin M) wire and splice the black ones together. Tape it up or use shrink tubing and you are done. This adapter has a translucent case so you can see the red and green lights (TX and RX).