Hello im new here theres lots of great info on this site. Im hoping to answer a few questions i have. so heres what i got. I purchased a non running 1995 K3500 truck with 454 and 4l80e. Missing throttle body and i was told had transmission issues. I assume previous owner did drive it but i do not know. I just figured out is was originally a 350/4l80e truck. My questions:
1. I have a BB throttle body 17093049 but how do i know which injectors it has? I know they changed in the later models.
2. Do i need change fuel pump for use with BB tbi?
3. PCM number is 16197427 with BAMW 5240 prom. This is a 1991 prom i think. Ive read the 1994 transmission changed from 1991, do i need the correct 1994 prom or have custom chip made? There was another PCM laying under seat so i assume it was swaped out already.
4. Can i modify the 4l80e to work with this prom since i have to possibly rebuild it anyway?