It's a cable from either AKM or, bought it several years ago, exactly like this one:

I don't think it requires 12V, just needs a 12V connection, undoubtedly stepped down inside the serial connector end. To what, I don't know. I guess it's a rite of passage to build your own cable, but I'm getting further away from what I'm trying to do (yes, I'm whining). I'd feel comfortable working with one of these to do a USB cable (Thanks Mr. Isaar for the idea):

But getting one of these from China or Hong Kong bothers me. I'd buy one in the US if I could find one (just started searching, may be out there somewhere). What I want (whining again) is a USB OBDI ALDL that works for logging and flashing, period or an answer on why the serial is giving me issues. I may bite the bullet and buy one from