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Thread: WBO2-Tuning Spreadsheet

  1. #46
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Attached is a .zip with a WBO2 data log .csv file to compare your WBO2 data with. The tuning was still in progress, but close. No two tunes are identical, but there are similarities to compare normal looking data vs. abnormal looking data. Tuning can usually correct abnormal looking data (Rick / Lean VE and Excessive Knock).

    dave w
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #47
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    HI Dave W, I've seen in many of your posts you're referring to screen shots, which I cannot see on my viewer. Any suggestions on how to enable that?

    I am logged in.
    I have set my "general settings" to show images.

  3. #48
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Earlier this year there was a issue with some files / attachments missing after an update. What thread and post do you need the screen shots for? It's likely I need to report the missing screen shots.

    dave w

  4. #49
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thanks Dave W.

    It's this thread, your posts, #5 and #15.

    I'm interested in your use of the ECM as a way to use WBO2, as I'm about to purchase either a BURN2 and Ostrich 2.0, or a APU1. I'm leaning towards the lower cost BURN + Ostrich, especially if I can use the ECM for a future WBO2 sensor. Thank you for sharing your tools an expertise on this forum!

  5. #50
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Post 25 has the most recent version of my spreadsheet. Post 26 has some helpful screen shots using the most recent version of my spreadsheet.

    I decided on the Ostrich 2.0 and the Burn 2.

    dave w

  6. #51
    Fuel Injected!
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thank you Dave - I've downloaded the latest, and ordered my moates parts this morning!

  7. #52
    Fuel Injected!
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    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by dave w View Post
    Please update me with your thoughts / results after using the spreadsheet.

    dave w
    I obviously have a lot of learning to do. I guess I need a chips for dummies course first.

  8. #53
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Dave, a few questions.

    What is the password to unprotect the spreadsheet. I can't edit or enter any data into it.

    And, I'm using Gregs Advanced $0E TP5 v252.xdf. It has only one WB02 table. It appears to resemble something close to Open Throttle in the 7427 with $0E. I can extrapolate data to come up with values to tune the idle table, I'd likely just copy what I have from the main Open Throttle VE table. This particular XDF also goes up in MAP in increments of 5 KPA... Which both tables in the 7427 start going up in increments of 10 KPA after what, 40 KPA?

  9. #54
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Nevermind I got past the password protect I had to enable editing, oops.

    I have tried pasting in the entire CSV file generated by TPRT into the spreadsheet, as well as pasting just the AFR data into it. Also pasted in the existing VE tables of course and the spreadsheet keeps spitting out the exact same values of the existing VE tables? What am I missing here?

  10. #55
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Please post the TPRT .ADX file and .XDL file you are working with.

    Gregs Advanced $OE TP5 v252.xdf definition file is for editing the .bin file, not data logging.

    dave w

  11. #56
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by CDeeZ; 01-15-2019 at 09:00 PM.

  12. #57
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    The spreadsheet "Filters" out open loop data (Column AJ). Only "Closed Loop" is used by the averageif formulas. All the data in the 1234test.csv IS "Open Loop", so the spreadsheet will "Filter" out all the data from the 1234test.csv.

    dave w

  13. #58
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    So is there any way to make it work for something that is running open loop? I was considering running this thing in open loop full time and adjusting if/when necessary.

    I think it must not be going into closed loop because there is no NB02 in there currently. Was hoping I could just stay
    Open loop and rely on the wideband exclusively.

  14. #59
    Super Moderator dave w's Avatar
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    Yes, the spreadsheet will work if you change the data in Column AJ from "open" to "closed". See post #31 thru #33 in this thread.

    dave w

  15. #60
    Fuel Injected! CDeeZ's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Dave, thank-you for explaining that again. I changed the entire AJ column where the data is located to closed and it works. Very nice spreadsheet you put together, thank you!


    All of the changes made to the Open Throttle VE table were a reduction in VE, as I would expect based on the rich AFRs during the capture of that particular log. However, there are 3 cells in Idle VE table that were modified by the spreadsheet that were all an increase in VE.... Two cells in particular, that are the same RPM and KPA between both tables, cells were increased in the Idle VE table, and, decreased in the Open Throttle. Possibly a spike of irrelevant data causing the discrepancy?
    Last edited by CDeeZ; 01-16-2019 at 06:09 AM.

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